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Coyote Removal

How to Remove Coyotes - Coyotes are not a pest animal of the same caliber as a rodent or an armadillo, but they present nuisance issues in a very different way. Coyotes are naturally timid. Urbanization and impossible distancing from humans have made them opportunistic and brave. In rural settings, coyotes have learned that farms mean contained food sources and easy prey. In city and suburban settings, these cousins of the domestic dog adapted to living off of pet animals, human garbage, and the critters that live on human garbage. Because of their status as predators, coyotes are nuisances because of the ability to inflict harm.

To remove an unwanted a coyote, you must first consider your location. Animals within city or town limits are usually subject to laws and regulations of local government. For instance, it’s illegal in most urban areas to discharge a firearm, something farmers have free reign with when it comes to protection of livestock. If you are experiencing problems with urban coyotes, your best and sometimes only option is prevention. Once you have contacted the appropriate authorities, take a good look at your property. Any trash should be contained first in bags and then in sealable, heavy-duty containers. Metal garbage cans have stood the test of time against most intrusive animals. Pets should be kept indoors, allowed outside under supervision and not alone after dark. Even yards with fences are not safe from a determined coyote. On the same note, do not feed stray cats or leave food out in the neighborhood for the stray population. Coyotes in populated areas have acquired a taste for cat due to the abundance of feral felines present in most urban areas. Hedges and vegetation around your home can offer cover for stalking canines, especially if pets are out in the yard. Keep your home well-lit and open.

Homeowners in rural settings often have a wider variety of options for coyote removal. This isn’t always true, however, so be sure to check with your local law enforcement and game commission before you attempt to handle your coyote problem alone. Trapping in many states requires a permit and hefty fines are accessed for people caught trapping without one. There are a variety of traps out there once you’ve obtained the necessary paperwork for your endeavor. Leg hold traps are still very popular among wildlife professionals, and modern designs have limited the amount of damage actually done to the coyote. Unlike the traps used decades ago, humane leg hold traps will not break the bone of the leg, but will hold the animal firmly until you return. Keep in mind, a coyote caught in a leg hold trap will be very afraid, reactive, and unpredictable. Leg hold traps are not practical for inexperienced trappers hoping to relocate a coyote once it’s been caught. If you wish to trap and relocate the coyote, most experts recommend using a cage trap. Cage traps are usually set along frequented coyote paths. A nuisance canine will travel the same routes daily, rarely leaving an established trail. Set up your cage trap in this type of location. Bait it with food but do not set it. By leaving the trap baited for three days, you allow the coyote to get used to the metal contraption and to take food from it safely. Coyotes are very smart. If one escapes your trap, it will never go near it again. This type of quick learning can seriously complicate your efforts to be rid of coyotes.

If you do manage to safely trap a coyote, be prepared to relocate it onto state lands at least ten miles away from your property. A single coyote can adapt to life in a new area as long as it is released into an area of shelter and abundant food. A pack of coyotes is another issue altogether. Farmers and suburbanites with pack issues should seek the advice of a professional. Trapping a problem pack can be a daunting task for even someone with experience. While they are naturally shy creatures, coyotes in packs exhibit the same behaviors and hunting styles as wolves—sometimes even more cunning then their larger, more feared relatives.

Learn some additional tips on my How To Get Rid of Coyotes Yourself page - more coyote removal tips and methods, as well as everything you need to know about Coyote Prevention. Learn about the Life of a Coyote, and some ways to Kill a Coyote in the Yard. I can show you how to get coyotes out from Under a Shed or Porch and how to Get Rid of Coyotes altogether. Learn about Coyote Repellents and how to Trap a Coyote. I can teach you how to keep coyotes Away from Your Property and let you know if a coyote that is active active during the Daytime Sick or Rabid. Read my reasons why you should Never Use Poison to Kill a Coyote, and learn about Where Coyotes Live. Find out about the Diseases Carried by Coyotes and Signs of a Sick Coyote, and if coyotes are Dangerous to Humans or your Farm Animals. I can even answer if coyotes make Good Pets.

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