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  • USA Wildlife Removal Education Guide - Can a Flying Squirrel Actually Fly?

Can a Flying Squirrel Actually Fly?

Although they are called flying squirrels, the truth is that these squirrels are not able to fly. So this means that their name can be quite confusing. What is true is the fact that they can glide, because of their anatomy. So rather than climbing from one tree to the next, they have the ability to glide, and this is a great skill that serves them wonderfully.

What Flying Squirrels Look Like?
First of all, it is important to point out that a flying squirrel is a lot smaller in size than other types of squirrels. All the limbs have got a membrane, which is pretty thin and acts like feathers. So this is what makes the flying squirrels actually glide gracefully. Through this anatomic detail, flying squirrels can glide for many feet.

In some cases, flying squirrels glide for 20 or 30 feet – and there are cases when they have glided for at least 200 feet. You can see that this is a truly outstanding skill, particularly since flying squirrels need to move from tree to tree. So they can do it, without wasting any time.

Over the years, they have been adapted to their current shape. In most cases, their tail acts exactly like a parachute. When they are about to land, they use it and break the fall. You will typically see the tail resembling a feather. This is due to the aerodynamics required to handle the gliding process.

It is for the same reason that the flying squirrels have so thick paws. Their claws grab firmly, and they can help towards securing their fall and promoting their glide. Depending on their age, the squirrels have slight differences in the membrane and other anatomic details.

When they fly, they use their arms to control where they are going. Pretty much like parachute gliders, they can adjust their course and move towards their desired destination. They glide skillfully, and they are really talented in their every single move.

Of course, flying squirrels are amazing creatures not only for their ability to fly, or better to glide. They are nocturnal creatures, meaning that they are awake and active during the night. So their vision is exemplary. They have large eyes that can focus on the slightest detail and they can see everything in the dark.

Bottom Line
Although they are named flying squirrels, they do not exactly fly. Their name has derived from their ability to glide the air. So they move from tree to tree, and they do it with their membrane and feather-like tail. Due to their anatomy, they are able to control where they move and how they break their fall.

If you observe the flying squirrels, you will be amazed at their distinctive nature and exceptional skills. They are nocturnal animals, crafted gliders and really talented in moving around in absolute darkness.

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Learn more about Removal or solve a problem yourself with my How To Get Rid Of Flying Squirrels guide.
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