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  • USA Wildlife Removal Education Guide - Why Flying Squirrels Chew on Electrical Cables?

Why Flying Squirrels Chew on Electrical Cables?

Flying squirrels have been found out to be very good chewers, and they chew on different things in your attic. When they fly into your attic, your attic, you will hear them make sounds their and some sounds that are like a cat rubbing its craws on wood. These are flying squirrels eating on the electrical cables in your house. One day when you have enough time, it is important that you carry out a proper inspection in your house to check on the areas where the flying squirrels are known to be chewing on.

One of the areas you will notice is the electrical cables and any other soft materials there. This is one of the reasons why the flying squirrels are known to be destructive, and no one wants them to stay in their attic. So why exactly do these creatures chew on the electrical wires? There are different theories that explain this chewing.

Trying to Get Material to Build a Nest
There is an increase in the number of flying squirrels, and unfortunately, there is no increase in the number of predators. Therefore, the population of the flying squirrels is always rising more than they are dying. This means that they need to look for shelter. They live in trees, and the trees have become endangered due to man activity. Therefore, the flying squirrels have no other safer place to live. So what do they do when they need to reproduce? Of course is looking for a place to build the nest and this is obviously at the place where they live. This is likely to be in the attic, and therefore they fly into your house.

The materials they bring in to build with might not be enough, and so they have to look for some more materials. Therefore, they will try chewing on the materials they find in the attic, and one of them is the wires they find there which are electrical wires. They are trying to remove the sheath so as to use it to build a good nest. Once they do that, they will leave naked wires which are dangerous. Imagine walking into the attic barefooted, and you step on the naked electrical wire.

They Chew to Trim Their Tooth
It is believed that the rodents front teeth will keep growing and this causes discomfort and difficult when feeding. Therefore, they find as a way of trimming the teeth. This is by chewing on the wood in your house and anything else they find there. The electrical wires are the most likely alternative since they are hard and provide the flying squirrel with that hard surface so as to trim the teeth. Therefore they eat the electrical wires exposing you to danger. Apart from the risk of stepping on the naked electrical wires, there is also the risk of the wires shorting causing a significant damage which includes fire.

Therefore, it is important to get rid of the flying squirrels which chew on electrical wires causing a lot of dangers.

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Learn more about Removal or solve a problem yourself with my How To Get Rid Of Flying Squirrels guide.
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