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  • USA Wildlife Removal Education Guide - Is rat feces dangerous to touch or breathe?

Is rat feces dangerous to touch or breathe?

Rat feces pose a significant health threat. Once you discover rats in your home, one of the biggest fears you might have is contracting the disease from rat droppings. There is all source of scary stories involving rat feces, alleging horror stories about terrible illnesses and symptoms people might contract from rat feces. The truth is, rat feces is extremely dangerous and poses a serious health hazard. But, to what extent rat droppings are truly dangerous, and what are the things to watch out for if you find any rat feces in your home.

The truth is, rat feces is extremely dangerous to touch and breathe. Rats will leave droppings every few steps they take, and the feces might end up in your kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, and many other areas that simply need to be sanitized. If rat feces reaches your food, hygiene products, and sheets, you will be exposed to a great risk from inhaling it getting into physical contact with it.

Rats can spread over dozens of different bacteria through their feces. Amongst them is a Hantavirus, a notorious disease for its high percentage of a lethal outcome. Almost 30% of cases of Hantavirus infection will end in a fatal outcome. This is only one of the possible diseases rats can spread. Rat feces can spread infectious diseases that can cause serious and long-term health problems, and you should be aware of several things you can do to make sure you don't contract any infectious disease.

To avoid catching any of these diseases, you are going to have to be extremely careful with the way you will handle and clean rat feces. If you want to handle rat feces in a safe way, make sure that you ventilate the room well, use a face mask and gloves, double-pack the feces and perform a thorough disinfection of your home, to make sure that no dangerous bacteria is left behind. Wear gloves while you clean rat feces, and double-pack the dropping before you throw them out. Wear a facial mask as well, to avoid inhaling any bacteria.

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