Tacoma Wildlife Removal
24/7 cell phone: 253-275-0685
Yes, you can call us 24/7. Washington wildlife don't take weekends off, and neither do we. Our company specializes in the removal of unwanted wildlife from property, houses, and attics. We service the Tacoma, WA region. Call us
now to discuss your problem, get pricing, and schedule an appointment.
FULL-SERVICE TACOMA WILDLIFE COMPANY: We pride ourselves on being the most thorough and complete wildlife removal in Tacoma. We do not simply set a cage trap on the ground and hope that'll solve the animal problem. We
address the root cause of the wildlife issue, and follow a complete step-by-step plan, including the following services:
- INSPECTION - We inspect the building and property to fully understand the cause of the wildlife issue. We aim to permanently solve your problem, by addressing the cause.
- ANIMALS IN ATTICS - If you have wildlife in the attic, we enter the attic and identify the animal(s), any damage they have caused, and remove them there, if possible.
- HUMANE WILDLIFE TRAPPING - Most jobs call for the capture and removal of animals. We put our years of experience to use in order to safely, humanely, and effectively catch the target animal(s).
- ENTRY HOLE REPAIRS - If you've got animals in your house, it is vital to find and repair all open entry holes. Our repairs are professional grade and backed by warranty.
- ATTIC CLEANUP - When necessary, we thoroughly clean and decontaminate your attic, to prevent mold, pathogens, and odors.
- TACOMA BAT REMOVAL - We pride ourselves on a 100% success rate in the live removal of bats from buildings in Washington.
- TACOMA BIRD REMOVAL - We install preventative barriers to keep pigeons and other birds off of Washington buildings.
- TACOMA RODENT CONTROL - We know a permanent way to get rid of rats or mice.
If you have an issue with a DOG or CAT, call Pierce County Animal Control at 253-798-7387
We offer many other services in addition to the above listed. We perform dead animal removal, removal of Washington snakes, mole trapping, and more. We can solve pretty much any nuisance animal complaint. We are a private business,
we are not Tacoma Animal Control agency or the Pierce County Animal Services - they only handle domestic animals, such as dogs and cats. Here are some of the species we commonly deal with:
Tacoma Raccoon Removal - Raccoons are a common animal in Washington. They break into attics, destroy property, eat garbage, and more.
Tacoma Squirrel Removal - We deal with squirrels in attics and eaves all year, but mostly in late summer and late winter.
Tacoma Opossum or Skunk Removal - We trap a wide variety of pest animals, from possums, to skunks, and more.
Tacoma wildlife removal company services Tacoma, WA. We also service Federal Way, Edgewod, Waller, Puyallup, Midland, Parkland, Lakewood, and more. To learn more about us, visit our website at
Tacoma wildlife control tip of the month: How To Successfully Get Rid Of Weasels From Your Poultry Farm - When you are a poultry farmer, you will often notice that one thing you have to deal with on a frequent basis are weasels. These animals can be very destructive when it comes to poultry, since some of them may end up eating your poultry or eggs. It is therefore very important for any poultry farmer to be equipped with some knowledge on weasel removal so that they do not end up having to suffer from the damage that these animals can cause. When you are thinking of doing weasel removal, you also need to think of ways of keeping the animals from eating your poultry in the first place.
There are several measures you can use to ensure that your poultry coop is protected. The first of these is to ensure that it is secure. You should inspect the coop to make sure that there are absolutely no points of entry. Even the smallest hole can be used by a weasel to access the coop, so you need to find ways of either putting up a new and secure coop or to cover up these holes. Using chicken wire as your sole protection is not good enough, since they can easily chew through this. You would be much better off using barbed wire for fencing around the coop instead. Additionally, you would also need to ensure that the roof over your coop is secure as well. This is one part of the whole setup that most farmers tend to ignore. In some cases, it may be necessary to invest in some kind of screen that is resistant to gnawing by the weasels. You can use these to cover the entire coop including the roof. These are often made in such a manner that they will not compromise airflow to the coop, so you do not need to worry about your poultry suffocating.
It may also sometimes be necessary to try to use some kinds of traps to keep the weasels in check. If you are thinking of doing weasel removal in this manner, there are a number of things you would need to keep in mind. The first of these is that in order for the weasel removal to be successful, you would need to ensure that your trap is very good. In many cases, you will find that weasel removal is something that is difficult even for the professionals to do due to the sly nature of the animal. This means that if you attempt weasel removal using a trap that is not good enough, you may end up being frustrated in the long run, since the animal may find ways of evading the trap.
You must always therefore ensure that you buy a quality trap before you can think of using it for weasel removal. A good way of doing this would be to buy the trap from stores that are specialists at animal control. In many cases, you will find that such traps are a bit costly, but they often work very well. In order to increase the odds of weasel removal, you also need to ensure that you use some kind of bait to attract the animals to your trap. The best kind of bait for this kind of thing is fresh meat. If you live in a snowy area, it is often recommended that you form some sort of trail leading to the trap, so that the weasels can pick up the scent. This can massively increase the success of your weasel removal project.
At the end of the day, the process of weasel removal is one that can be very frustrating at times. The only way of doing it without losing your head is to ensure that you cover all your bases. For instance, you cannot use a trap for weasel removal when you have not fully secured your poultry coop. you may also need to use some of the advice from other farmers on how to successfully do weasel removal. This information is readily available online in many forums and pest control sites. If you are frustrated about having to go through the process on your own, you can simply get an exterminator to help you along. Due to the complexity of the process, always ensure that you get a high quality expert for higher chances of success.
Read more about wildlife:
Raccoon Removal |
Squirrel Removal |
Skunk Removal |
Rat Removal |
Bat Removal - Remember, we are not a pest control or exterminator, we do humane wildlife removal Tacoma.