Rochester Wildlife Removal
24/7 cell phone: 585-267-5888
Yes, you can call us 24/7. New York wildlife don't take weekends off, and neither do we. Our company specializes in the removal of unwanted wildlife from property, houses, and attics. We service the Rochester, NY region. Call us
now to discuss your problem, get pricing, and schedule an appointment.
FULL-SERVICE ROCHESTER WILDLIFE COMPANY: We pride ourselves on being the most thorough and complete wildlife removal in Rochester. We do not simply set a cage trap on the ground and hope that'll solve the animal problem. We
address the root cause of the wildlife issue, and follow a complete step-by-step plan, including the following services:
- INSPECTION - We inspect the building and property to fully understand the cause of the wildlife issue. We aim to permanently solve your problem, by addressing the cause.
- ANIMALS IN ATTICS - If you have wildlife in the attic, we enter the attic and identify the animal(s), any damage they have caused, and remove them there, if possible.
- HUMANE WILDLIFE TRAPPING - Most jobs call for the capture and removal of animals. We put our years of experience to use in order to safely, humanely, and effectively catch the target animal(s).
- ENTRY HOLE REPAIRS - If you've got animals in your house, it is vital to find and repair all open entry holes. Our repairs are professional grade and backed by warranty.
- ATTIC CLEANUP - When necessary, we thoroughly clean and decontaminate your attic, to prevent mold, pathogens, and odors.
- ROCHESTER BAT REMOVAL - We pride ourselves on a 100% success rate in the live removal of bats from buildings in New York.
- ROCHESTER BIRD REMOVAL - We install preventative barriers to keep pigeons and other birds off of New York buildings.
- ROCHESTER RODENT CONTROL - We know a permanent way to get rid of rats or mice.
If you have an issue with a DOG or CAT, call Monroe County Animal Control at (585) 428-7274
We offer many other services in addition to the above listed. We perform dead animal removal, removal of New York snakes, mole trapping, and more. We can solve pretty much any nuisance animal complaint. We are a private business,
we are not Rochester Animal Control agency or the Monroe County Animal Services - they only handle domestic animals, such as dogs and cats. Here are some of the species we commonly deal with:
Rochester Raccoon Removal - Raccoons are a common animal in New York. They break into attics, destroy property, eat garbage, and more.
Rochester Squirrel Removal - We deal with squirrels in attics and eaves all year, but mostly in late summer and late winter.
Rochester Opossum or Skunk Removal - We trap a wide variety of pest animals, from possums, to skunks, and more.
Rochester wildlife removal company services Rochester, NY. Serving the greater Rochester, NY area
All of
Wayne County, NY including the towns of Walworth, Macedon, Williamson, Ontario, Pultneyville, Sodus Point, Wolcott, Newark, and more.
Serving Rochester and Eastern Monroe County, NY including the towns of Henrietta, Piottford, Penfield, Brighton, Mendon, Fairport, Perringon, Brockport, Chili, Sweden, Ogden, Spencerport, Gates, Greece, Henrietta, Riga, Scottsville and Wheatland.
Ontario County, NY including the towns of Victorn, Bloomfield, Honeoye, Canandaigua, and Naples. To learn more about us, visit our website at
Rochester wildlife control tip of the month: What time does possum get out to search for food? Do you have a possum living in your home, driving you nuts when you are trying to get to sleep at night? You wouldn't be the first and you certainly won't be the last, but thankfully, with a little bit of knowledge you can successfully trap the animal and return it safely back to the outside wild world. When it comes to setting traps, you will find that leaving them out all the time probably isn't the best idea. If you have kids or other pets to think about, it makes sense to put the traps out when the possums are most active, and make sure that they are safely put away before the kids and animals that you actually do want in your home, (for the most part!) can get to grips with them. Possums are generally nocturnal, although spotting them throughout the day is becoming more and more popular. This means that at around 11 o'clock at night, (round-about) they will wake up, do their little possums stretches and head out to find food and do their little possums things. At around 4/5/6am in the morning, they will give up whatever it is that they are doing and return to bed. For you, this means that setting up the traps before you go to bed at night and putting them away when you wake up in the morning is going to be the best tactic that you can employ.
What to do about Norway rats in the attic: A Norway rat in the attic can be a very destructive little creature, which is why you are going to want to get rid of it in the easiest and fastest way possible. For some people, the right approach could be calling a wildlife control expert. For others, it could be trapping the creature themselves. For some, however, extermination is necessary, and although this can be a very effective way of solving the problem, there will be some problems, especially if you decide to use poison. Wildlife control experts will be able to tell you of a thousand and one horror stories about DIY poison jobs for Norway rats, and these would be enough to put you off for life. For example, having to cut through entire sections of drywall to find a Norway rat that has sadly died somewhere in the walls of the house or even ripping out entire sections of insulation of the attic to find a carcass. These will STINK if they are not removed - a problem that no one wants to have! You may have heard the myth that using rat and mouse specific poisons will stop a decomposing creature from smelling in your home because it has dehydration properties, but as we have said, it is just a myth. If this animal chooses to crawl inside your wall spaces and die, it is only going to be a matter of time before you start to smell it out, and if you don't believe us, just call the wildlife professionals to find out!
Read more about wildlife:
Raccoon Removal |
Squirrel Removal |
Skunk Removal |
Rat Removal |
Bat Removal - Remember, we are not a pest control or exterminator, we do humane wildlife removal Rochester.