Marietta Wildlife Removal
24/7 cell phone: 404-609-4280
Yes, you can call us 24/7. Georgia wildlife don't take weekends off, and neither do we. Our company specializes in the removal of unwanted wildlife from property, houses, and attics. We service the Marietta, GA region. Call us
now to discuss your problem, get pricing, and schedule an appointment.
FULL-SERVICE MARIETTA WILDLIFE COMPANY: We pride ourselves on being the most thorough and complete wildlife removal in Marietta. We do not simply set a cage trap on the ground and hope that'll solve the animal problem. We
address the root cause of the wildlife issue, and follow a complete step-by-step plan, including the following services:
- INSPECTION - We inspect the building and property to fully understand the cause of the wildlife issue. We aim to permanently solve your problem, by addressing the cause.
- ANIMALS IN ATTICS - If you have wildlife in the attic, we enter the attic and identify the animal(s), any damage they have caused, and remove them there, if possible.
- HUMANE WILDLIFE TRAPPING - Most jobs call for the capture and removal of animals. We put our years of experience to use in order to safely, humanely, and effectively catch the target animal(s).
- ENTRY HOLE REPAIRS - If you've got animals in your house, it is vital to find and repair all open entry holes. Our repairs are professional grade and backed by warranty.
- ATTIC CLEANUP - When necessary, we thoroughly clean and decontaminate your attic, to prevent mold, pathogens, and odors.
- MARIETTA BAT REMOVAL - We pride ourselves on a 100% success rate in the live removal of bats from buildings in Georgia.
- MARIETTA BIRD REMOVAL - We install preventative barriers to keep pigeons and other birds off of Georgia buildings.
- MARIETTA RODENT CONTROL - We know a permanent way to get rid of rats or mice.
If you have an issue with a DOG or CAT, call Cobb County Animal Control at 770-499-4136
We offer many other services in addition to the above listed. We perform dead animal removal, removal of Georgia snakes, mole trapping, and more. We can solve pretty much any nuisance animal complaint. We are a private business,
we are not Marietta Animal Control agency or the Cobb County Animal Services - they only handle domestic animals, such as dogs and cats. Here are some of the species we commonly deal with:
Marietta Raccoon Removal - Raccoons are a common animal in Georgia. They break into attics, destroy property, eat garbage, and more.
Marietta Squirrel Removal - We deal with squirrels in attics and eaves all year, but mostly in late summer and late winter.
Marietta Opossum or Skunk Removal - We trap a wide variety of pest animals, from possums, to skunks, and more.
Marietta wildlife removal company services Marietta, GA. We serve all of the greater Atlanta region, including Marietta, of course. We service the surrounding towns of Kennesaw, Roswell, Smyrna, Powder Springs, and more.
Marietta wildlife control tip of the month: What is the best way to remove wildlife from attic - the pros and cons of doing it yourself So, you have some sort of wild animal living in your home or on your property and it is driving you mad. It makes sense to try and remove the animal from your home as soon as you can, but this urgency to remove the critter is often the place that most people go wrong. There is a good chance that you will manage to successfully remove the animal yourself, but this will take a lot of research on your part, and probably more time, cost and effort than you would be willing to put in. The best bet that you have is to just call in a professional; a method that will cost you, but at least then you can be sure that the job is going to be done properly. If you are adamant that you should remove the animal from your property yourself, you are going to first want to look at the pros and cons of such an event. The pros are sadly, few and far between. You will save money, but this is not a guarantee - you could end up spending more money on the things you need to get to trap the animal than what you would have spent on calling in a professional from start to finish. You will also find that another pro is that at least you will have the education needed on the topic, and once you have got the knowledge as well as the materials necessary, you will be more than prepared should another creature decide to invade your home. The cons are more than a few - firstly, you will need a lot of stuff to catch the wildlife and it may prove to be cheaper to just hire someone. You will need traps - either the humane ones or the type that will kill the animal. Alternatively, you will need to look at poison and you can probably already guess the pros and cons associated with this method of removal. Then there is the bait to think about, then the places to release the animal once you have successfully caught it. That is before you even begin to think about the research you are going to need to do in order to successfully complete your quest!
Reader mail feedback: I just read your e-mail about squirrels in the attic. I don't have squirrels in the attic but I do have them in my garage for the past 3 years. They have chewed my dusk to dawn light wires; the automatic garage door wires & now the garage ceiling lights wires. These squirrels have also chewed up some of my Christmas decor boxes for their nests. Also some of them have came on my back porch & started to rip the top of my outside stuffed chairs for their nests. I have done everything to get them to leave my residence, except no posion, I couldn't do that, no matter how mad iget at them..I am a senior & live on SocSec monies every month. I have made some loud noises where I think the nests are. I have borrowed some dogs to run them off. I have also used a trap with no luck; only caught 3 neighbors cats so I gave that up. I have blocked all the enttrances where I thought they were coming in but them they chewed 2 different holes in my new wood right off the roof. A squirrel also bent some of the air vents in the garage & even raised the wood above the garage door to get in to my garage. This is so stressful to deal with everyday. I now have a mama squirrel & a couple babies in the roof vent of my garage. She somehow got all the bricks & pieces out of the hole I sealed up from them. I even called the critter man last year in Montgomery before he was murdered but he wanted more money than I had to give him. I don't think anyone is here in the Marietta or Alpharetta Georgia area to help me. I have called the wildlife people & the humane place but they could't help me. Since you now know everything about my squirrel problem; do you have any ideas for me once the baby squirrels are able to leave the roof of my garage? I really did appreciate your squirrel info. Thank You
Read more about wildlife:
Raccoon Removal |
Squirrel Removal |
Skunk Removal |
Rat Removal |
Bat Removal - Remember, we are not a pest control or exterminator, we do humane wildlife removal Marietta.